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Docs💎・MulticharacterHow is it Customize ?

Customize Configuration File

This file contains the necessary configurations for the character creation and management system. Below is an explanation of what each parameter does.


Defines the interface colors. (Hex color codes such as #FF4F79 or #FBCA79 can be used)

UIColor = '#FBCA79', -- Interface color


Determines which elements will be displayed in the interface.

UIDisplay = { BuySlot = true, -- Displays the character slot purchase button DeleteCharacter = true, -- Displays the character deletion button },


Determines the total number of character slots a player can have.

MaxCharacterSlot = 6, -- Maximum number of character slots


Determines how many character slots a player will have initially.

DefaultCharSlot = 3, -- Default number of character slots


Defines custom interface logic. For example, a special interface can be displayed when the camera is active.

CustomUIFunction = function(get) -- (get: true / false) true: camera active -- Custom ui logic goes here -- For example, an export can be used for hud display end,


Allows the player to skip the spawn selection and respawn at the last location.

SkipSelection = false, -- Skip spawn selection and respawn at the last location


Defines custom spawn logic. This function only runs on the client side.

SpawnFunction = function(data) -- (client-side only) -- Custom spawn logic goes here TriggerEvent('qb-spawn:client:setupSpawns', data.citizenid) TriggerEvent('qb-spawn:client:openUI', true) end,


Sets the default spawn location in vec4 format (x, y, z, heading).

DefaultSpawn = vec4(-540.58, -212.02, 37.65, 208.88), -- Default spawn location


Sets the character’s skin. This function only runs on the client side.

SetSkin = function(skin, ped) -- (client-side only) UZCustomize.Apparance.SetSkin(skin, ped) -- Skin setup logic end,


Retrieves the character’s skin from the database. This function only runs on the server side.

SkinSql = function(data) -- (server-side only) return MySQL.single.await('SELECT * FROM playerskins WHERE citizenid = ? AND active = 1', {data.citizenid}) end,


Opens the skin menu when creating the first character. This function only runs on the client side.

FirstCharacterSkinMenu = function(skin, ped) -- (client-side only) TriggerEvent((UZCustomize.Framework == "ESX") and 'esx_skin:openSaveableMenu' or 'qb-clothes:client:CreateFirstCharacter') end,


SetHousingSpawnUI = function(data) -- (client side only) UZFramework.Apartment.setupSpawnUI(data) -- TriggerEvent('apartments:client:setupSpawnUI', data) end,


Defines the starter items given when a new character is created.

StarterItems = { -- Character starter items { name = 'phone', amount = 1 }, -- Phone { name = 'id_card', amount = 1}, -- ID card { name = 'driver_license', amount = 1}, -- Driver's license },


Defines custom commands, such as admin commands

Command = { ['logout'] = { Permission = 'admin', -- Required permission Command = 'logout', -- Command Text = 'Logout (Admin Only)', -- Command text Description = {} -- Description }, ['setchar'] = { Permission = 'admin', -- Required permission Command = 'setchar', -- Command Text = 'Set Character Slots', -- Command text Description = { {name='Owner', help='CitizenID or License'}, -- Description {name='Slot', help='New Max Slot'} -- Description } } },


Determines how characters will be positioned on the screen. Different offsets can be defined for each character slot.

CharacterOffsets = { [1] = { -- Offsets for 1 character slot {x = 0.11, y = -0.6, z = -1.4, h = 170.0} }, [2] = { -- Offsets for 2 character slots {x = -0.21, y = -0.5, z = -1.5, h = 190.15}, -- Left {x = 0.59, y = -0.5, z = -1.5, h = 140.15} -- Right }, -- Other character slot offsets... },


Grants starter items when a new character is created.

function GiveStarterItems(source) local src = source for _, v in pairs(Customize.StarterItems) do local info = {} if GetResourceState('qbx_core'):find('start') then if == "id_card" then info = exports.qbx_idcard:GetMetaLicense(src, {'id_card'}) elseif == "driver_license" then info = exports.qbx_idcard:GetMetaLicense(src, {'driver_license'}) end elseif GetResourceState('qb-core'):find('start') then local Player = Framework.Functions.GetPlayer(src) if == "id_card" then info = { citizenid = Player.PlayerData.citizenid, firstname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname, lastname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname, birthdate = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.birthdate, gender = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.gender, nationality = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.nationality } elseif == "driver_license" then info = { firstname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname, lastname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname, birthdate = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.birthdate, type = "Class C Driver License" } end end UZFramework.AddItem(Player or nil,, v.amount, info, src) -- add item end end


Loads the configuration file for QBCore or similar framework.

QBXConfig = function(appaYeet) local configData = LoadResourceFile('qbx_core', 'config/client.lua') local configFunc = load(configData) return configFunc() end

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