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Docs🛠️・Tebex Integration

🛠️ Tebex Integration

Tebex > Game Servers > Connect Game Server

Tebex Integration

Paste the Tebex secret code into the server.cfg.

Paste Tebex Secret

Now that your server connection part is complete, you can create a product for the script you need and link it to Tebex.

Create a Package in Tebex

  • Go to Tebex > Package > Create Package.

Create Package

Write the Command for Your Script

Write the command needed for your script (multi-character commands are used in this example).

Script Command


Final Step: Testing and Activation

Once your package is set up and the script is linked, you’ll be able to test and activate the integration.


Test your setup to ensure everything is working properly!

Final Step

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